Repeating Tasks In Todoist

  1. Todoist Daily Task
  2. Todoist Schedule

Run multiple filters at the same time: Todoist filters also let you combine searches to create multiple task lists at once. To combine 2 or more searches into one filter, separate each with a comma: “,”. For example, will show two task lists, one for the query p1 & overdue and another for p4 & today. P1 & overdue, p4 & today. More about recurring tasks Recurring reminders. If you need a regular reminder instead of a full-blown repeating task, set the recurring task’s duration to zero. That is, make the recurring task a milestone. Find recurring tasks. When you create a recurring task, Project automatically renumbers the task IDs and puts a recurring task indicator.

Using recurring and repeating tasks in Todoist is a great way to save a lot of time and to stay on top of all of your tasks that occur regularly, or at least more than once.

When setting up a task in Todoist, to make it recurring you fill out the task information as you normally would, but when it comes to the time / date field you make some small changes.


For example, if you want a daily reminder you would type in “every day” in the date field and it would become recurring every day (remember – every day is ever day, including weekends!). If you only want weekdays you would type in “every weekday”.

There’s lots of date formatting options that gives repeating tasks a lot of flexibility – you can find more of them here on the Todoist date formatting guide.

This is also important to know about if you are using IFTTT and Todoist – you’ll need to make sure you have your date formatting correct or you may run into some real issues.

(You can find out more about integrating IFTTT and Todoist to automate some really handy processes here: IFTTT & Todoist Gmail Automation Article)

Another area where date formatting for recurring tasks can come in handy is setting start and end dates.

As an example, let’s say you had a project with a new task that came up, but you only need reminders through the end of the week. If today was March 23 and Friday was March 25, you would type in “every day ending March 25”. You can also do this for starting dates to set up a recurring task in the future!

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Setting up recurring tasks in Todoist is very easy and is a powerful way to get even more out of this productivity program. If you’re not sure where to start, check out the short video above to see exactly how it’s done.

Todoist Daily Task

You have a ton of options when setting up recurring tasks – the formatting options allow for a wide range of setups (you can find the Todoist support article here).

Putting repeating tasks to use is a great way to form a new habit – such as reading a new book, taking time to fill out your daily plan, and more. Combined with the email reminder system I’ve found that I can get much more done and have a higher percentage of completed tasks.

Being able to rely on this app to have recurring tasks takes the burden away from me or having to put it into my calendar – although some people might like that option (to have it both in their calendar and in Todoist). Well good news! If you want to sync Todoist with your calendar app, you can see how to do it right here.

Todoist Schedule

Hope this helps you with your recurring tasks, projects, and more!